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Movement of microparticles by means of optical beam pressure
Tweezers made of light? Within the framework of a top European research project, completely new ways of measuring geometry and surfaces are to be explored using an indirect optical measurement approach. The basic idea is not to measure the surface of the object... » more
Scattered light simulation of periodic Nano-structures: verification and comparative analysis
Periodic nano-structures find application in both physics and engineering. These periodic structures are often in the sub-100 nm range, i.e., below the optical resolution limit. » more
Optical defect detection in nano-structures: experimental setup, uncertainty analysis, feature detection
Surfaces with column-like nano-features exhibit many useful properties, and are referred to as a new type of metamatarial. Each nanopillar has a diameter of about 10 nm, and the pillars are distributed in a grid-like pattern. However, there is a lack of... » more
Robot-based optical measurement of tool wear
In the manufacturing industry, monitoring and predictive assessment of tool wear play an essential role. The goal is to reduce downtime, improve the quality of products, and optimize the efficiency of production processes. The implementation of advanced measuring... » more
Drone-Based Laser Triangulation System for Geometry Measurement of Local Surface Defects
The regular inspection of structures, such as bridges or wind turbines, for surface damage is essential for condition assessment and planning maintenance tailored to specific needs. However, existing solutions always represent a compromise between measurement... » more
Optical modelling and simulation of light scattering and absorption effects
Is it possible to optically detect the air surrounding a compo-nent and thus indirectly predict the component geometry? The basic idea behind indirect optical geometry measure-ment is to no longer measure the surface of the object to be measured directly, but... » more
In-process analysis of laminar-turbulent transition at wind turbines
Have you ever wondered why wind turbines sometimes don't turn even though it's windy? The answer may depend on the flow conditions at the rotor blades. This flow can be visualized by thermography from a great distance and without stopping the wind turbine. For... » more
Evaluation and Development of prediction methods for renewable energy generation on the basis of weather data
How can weather data be used to predict the power generated by both wind and solar energy? This question is to be answered concretely for the Bremen-Oldenburg region within the framework of the hyBit project in order to produce so-called green hydrogen. The aim... » more
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